Summary of How It's Actually Made - Chocolate

The video humorously explores the chocolate-making process in a fictional factory, using absurd and exaggerated descriptions. It begins with cocoa beans being processed and cleaned in a bizarre manner, involving a cage of "starving refugees." The beans are then subjected to a series of whimsical treatments, including being spun and heated, which is described as separating them from their "families."

The process continues with the removal of the beans' shells through a winnowing machine, where they are supposedly tricked into thinking it’s night time. The beans are then transformed into a chocolate mixture, referred to as "chocolate soup," which undergoes grinding and refining. The video humorously mentions the extraction of cocoa butter, which is discarded in an environmentally conscious manner.

As the chocolate mixture reaches a delicate state, employees are depicted battling a mythical "beast" to maintain the quality of the chocolate. The chocolate eventually becomes chocolate chips, which are further jostled and cooled, with the narrative continuing to use playful and absurd imagery, such as comparing the chips' cooling process to experiencing Californian traffic.

Overall, the video presents a satirical take on the chocolate production process, mixing humor with nonsensical elements to entertain viewers.


Notable Quotes

00:34 — « a cage filled with starving refugees who licked the beans clean of any dirt and debris »
00:57 — « inside the beans are read various bedtime stories which trick them into thinking it's night time causing them to remove their shells »
01:39 — « the factory extracts some of the cocoa butter from the mixture and immediately pours it in the sewer in a bid of Environmental Conservation »
01:54 — « the Beast has been awoken and must be fought back by employees with various instruments »
03:09 — « the chocolate chips are then jostled ever so slightly to prevent them from falling asleep, creating their rich and stressed-out flavor »
