Summary of Asal Usul Kota Bandung | Cerita Rakyat Jawa Barat | Kisah Nusantara

Mpu Wisesa, a powerful mandraguna man, found and raised two abandoned babies named Wira and Jaka after the eruption of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

Mpu Wisesa taught Wira and Jaka various knowledge, including kanuragan and life wisdom.

Wira was diligent and responsible, while Jaka was lazy and disruptive.

Wira and Sekar had feelings for each other, but Jaka proposed to Sekar, causing a conflict.

Mpu Wisesa decided to hold a competition to determine who would marry Sekar by extinguishing the lava of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

Jaka gave up on the competition, while Wira found a way to dam the Citarum River and redirect the water to extinguish the lava.

Wira successfully completed the competition and married Sekar, leading to the formation of Lake Bendung, which later became Bandung City.


Notable Quotes

04:01 — « Mpu Wisesa cared for Wira and Jaka until they were adults and taught them various kinds of knowledge. »
08:24 — « Sekar only thinks of Jaka as an older brother who is cruel to his younger sibling. »
09:20 — « Until one day. Whats wrong with my student, coming to see me at this time of night! Looks like theres something important you want to convey? »
12:23 — « Wira, it turns out youve also liked Sekar all this time? »
21:32 — « The basin turned into a very wide lake, the lake was then called Lake Bendung, because it came from the dammed Citarum River. »


