Summary of How I Went From $20 to $188,538/year With NO-CODE

The video discusses how the presenter went from $20 to $188,538/year with a no-code business model. The presenter shares their story of starting a software business without knowing how to code, facing challenges with developers, and eventually finding success with a no-code approach.

Main Financial Strategies, Market Analyses, and Business Trends


Notable Quotes

02:41 — « they were non-technical and they usually either hired cheap programmers like I had or they hired expensive programmers and were very quickly running out of money »
04:33 — « we pressed publish and went live and now we had to figure out how to get our first paying customers »
06:27 — « we were starting to get really good feedback from the program »
10:27 — « turn his t-shirt printing business into a software as a service »
11:34 — « test and validate your startup idea before you go all in on it »


Business and Finance
