Summary of Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry 2014

"She's Beautiful When She's Angry" is a documentary that delves into the Women's Liberation movement of the 1960s and 70s, highlighting the struggles, achievements, and personal stories of the women who fought for equality. The film opens with a sense of urgency as women express their discontent with societal norms that define them solely in relation to men—primarily as wives and mothers—rather than as individuals with their own identities.

Key highlights include the impact of Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique," which ignited discussions about women's rights and the establishment of organizations like the National Organization for Women (NOW). The film showcases the grassroots efforts of women who organized for equal pay, reproductive rights, and against employment discrimination. There are humorous anecdotes, such as the absurdity of job advertisements that explicitly stated "Help Wanted: Male" or the outrageous suggestion that a woman might end up as a secretary to a good-looking executive, implying potential marriage.

The documentary emphasizes the power of consciousness-raising groups, where women shared their personal experiences, which helped them realize their struggles were not isolated but rather part of a larger societal issue. Notable moments include the formation of the Women's Liberation movement, the push for abortion rights, and the challenges faced by women of color within the movement, highlighting the need for intersectionality in feminist discourse.

The film also touches on the backlash against feminism, with men and even some women questioning the movement's relevance. It showcases protests, including the famous Miss America protest in 1968, where feminists challenged beauty standards and societal expectations, drawing significant media attention.

Throughout the documentary, there's a blend of humor and serious reflection, with women recounting their experiences of sexism and discrimination, leading to a collective awakening and empowerment. The film concludes with a call to action, emphasizing that the fight for equality is ongoing and that each generation must continue to strive for progress.

Notable Personalities Featured:

Notable Quotes

00:32 — « It wasn't him, it wasn't me, it was Society. »
01:40 — « All women are lesbians except those who don't know it. »
01:40 — « Rape is not a crime of passion, it's a crime that expresses the urge to dominate. »
01:40 — « The irony is for the most part women did not do anything dangerous or violent. The really dangerous thing was talk because telling the truth and talking is very revolutionary. »
10:00 — « The big Insight of the women's movement was a personal as political problems that you felt were happening to you alone probably were your fault but if it's happening to other people then it's a social problem and not just a personal problem. »


