Summary of Behind the headlines: investigating the drivers and impacts of global migration


The YouTube video titled "Behind the headlines: investigating the drivers and impacts of global migration" features a presentation by Professor Hind Deas at the Oxford Martin School, addressing the complex and often misunderstood issue of global migration. The discussion emphasizes the need to reconceptualize migration as a normal and intrinsic part of human existence, rather than a binary issue of good versus bad.

Key Points


This summary encapsulates the core arguments and findings presented by Professor Deas, emphasizing the need for a more informed and compassionate approach to understanding global migration.

Notable Quotes

04:23 — « To argue against or in favor of migration would be almost like arguing against or in favor of agriculture or trade. »
04:52 — « Any policy that tries to think away that fundamental point that migration is here to stay is in that sense bound to fail. »
07:48 — « The idea that migration can solve aging problems is often used by the pro-migration camp, but it is again overrating what migration can bring as a form of structural change. »
07:50 — « Migration is becoming an increasing topic of securitization. »
08:00 — « The construction of an image of refugees now being the main source of migrants to Europe is a fundamentally flawed one. »


News and Commentary
