Summary of What is Natural Selection?

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The video "What is Natural Selection?" provides an overview of Natural Selection, a key concept in the theory of evolution. It explains how Natural Selection operates in conjunction with other evolutionary ideas such as Descent with Modification and Common Descent.

Notable Quotes

02:00 — « You cannot get order and complexity from random chaos alone. »
04:30 — « It's almost as if these island creatures have been perfectly sculpted to survive within their unique environments. »
06:12 — « Random Descent with Modification creates new traits. The farmer simply chooses which of those new creations are allowed to reproduce, and which are not. »
07:07 — « Darwin called this process Natural Selection. »
07:45 — « Natural Selection is the process by which random evolutionary changes are selected for by nature in a consistent, orderly, non-random way. »


Science and Nature
