Summary of The case for a universal basic income | Free Lunch on Film

The video discusses the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a potential solution to the economic issues highlighted by the pandemic. It argues that the economy is broken, particularly affecting those in essential jobs who face financial hardships. The main points and strategies presented include:

Main Financial Strategies and Concepts:

Methodology and Observations:

Critiques and Counterarguments:

Potential Solutions:


The discussion highlights a growing openness to radical reforms like UBI, especially in light of recent economic challenges. It suggests that while UBI remains controversial, the idea is gaining traction as a viable social reform proposal.


The video features insights from various economists and references to studies and trials conducted in different regions, including Alaska and Finland.

Notable Quotes

05:30 — « What some people think is bad about UBI is precisely what others think is good about it. »
11:00 — « Just giving people handouts doesn't solve the problems that come with being out of work. »
12:39 — « Why on earth would you want to give it to the rich? »
15:03 — « I think we can find better ways to fund a UBI if we see it in connection with a tax system rather than as simply swapping one benefit for another. »
19:23 — « I believe the time for UBI is drawing near. »


Business and Finance
