Summary of La Teoría del Cisne Negro | Las Notas del Aprendiz

Summary of "La Teoría del Cisne Negro | Las Notas del Aprendiz"

Main Ideas and Concepts:


Speakers/Sources Featured

Notable Quotes

00:04 — « The simple fact of being alive is an extraordinary sign of good luck, a remote probability, a chance occurrence of monstrous proportions. »
01:46 — « Just before Thanksgiving, the turkey gets an unpleasant and deadly surprise. An event occurred to the turkey: Black Swan. »
03:46 — « A single observation can invalidate a general statement derived from millennia of confirmatory sightings of millions of white swans. »
16:06 — « History according to Nicholas Taleb does not occur in small incremental steps but is governed by great events that occurred: great wars, great famines, great technological discoveries. »
21:20 — « Life is the definitive black swan event. The probabilities of life appearing are infinitely low. »


