Summary of Power Up Your Mitochondria With Red Light Therapy | Dr Glen Jeffery Interview

Dr. Glen Jeffery, a professor of neuroscience at University College London, delves into the profound effects of light on biological systems, particularly mitochondria, which are vital for metabolism and energy production. Specific wavelengths of light, such as red and infrared light, play a crucial role in energizing biological systems, especially impacting mitochondria. Red light therapy enhances the efficiency of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, resulting in increased ATP production.

Key Points:

Impact on Health

Moreover, red light therapy has demonstrated notable improvements in memory, cognition, and metabolic functions in animal studies, hinting at potential benefits for human cognitive health. Human trials have indicated that red light therapy can lower blood sugar levels and enhance glucose tolerance, possibly through increased ATP production and metabolism. Additionally, red light therapy has shown promise in treating conditions like macular degeneration, which have a strong mitochondrial component.

Health Conditions

The interview also highlights the positive impact of red light therapy on various health conditions, including macular degeneration, Parkinson's disease, and diabetes, by targeting mitochondrial function. Early incorporation of red light therapy in disease progression can significantly improve overall health and quality of life. Conversely, blue light exposure, especially from LED lighting, can have adverse effects on mitochondrial function and health.


Practical recommendations from the discussion include spending time outdoors in natural light, using traditional incandescent light bulbs, and integrating red light therapy into daily routines for optimal health benefits. Notably, red light therapy has shown promising outcomes in enhancing mitochondrial function in children with mitochondrial disease, leading to enhanced mobility and quality of life.

Future Research

Looking ahead, future research aims to explore the potential benefits of red light therapy in cognitive function and aging, with a focus on developing cost-effective and user-friendly devices for widespread use. Nasal devices for delivering red light therapy to the brain are proposed as a more effective method for targeting mitochondrial function and overall brain health. Dr. Glen Jeffery underscores the necessity of funding research on red light therapy and encourages individuals to explore its advantages for healthy aging.

Notable Quotes

04:10 — « A lot of it comes directly from mitochondria. »
04:35 — « Mitochondria improved, they need more glucose. »
17:55 — « Their blood glucose level didnt peak in the same way. »
62:21 — « I dont have ethical permission for this I cannot do but if I were in your situation I might do a b and c, the results were stunning and the results weve got in a small clinical trial now are also stunning. »
63:06 — « talking to one of these kids, you know, the patients come back and say well yeah, you know the eyes are opening better which is what I was looking for as my metric. »


Science and Nature
