Summary of When To Give Her More Of Your Time & Attention & When To Back Off

Key wellness strategy: Understanding the dynamics of dating and courtship to avoid coming off as needy or smothering.

self-care technique: Taking measured steps in pursuing a woman, allowing her to show interest and initiate contact.

productivity tip: Limiting phone calls to setting up dates and avoiding excessive chitchat to maintain mystery and attraction.

dating advice: Following the once-a-week rule for reaching out and setting dates, adjusting based on the woman's level of interest and effort.

relationship tip: Allowing space for the woman to pursue and show enthusiasm, avoiding over-pursuing and maintaining a balance in communication.


Notable Quotes

00:06 — « When to give her more of your time and attention and when to back off. »
01:24 — « As men, we want to take measured steps when were dating and courting women. »
10:24 — « Try to keep it to just one date a week unless she starts saying she cant wait to see you. »
10:45 — « If she doesnt seem enthusiastic to see you, her interest level is dropping. »
19:15 — « Members get access to exclusive video coaching newsletters and study groups. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
