Summary of 【 #ESGAcademy Webinar Series】Creating Value with Board Diversity

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends:

Methodology and Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Set Clear Diversity Policies: Companies should establish Diversity policies at both the board and workforce levels, including measurable objectives and targets.
  2. Conduct Regular Reviews: Implement a process for regular reviews of Diversity policies and targets to ensure they are being met and adjusted as necessary.
  3. Utilize Data: Collect and analyze data on Diversity within the organization to inform decision-making and track progress.
  4. Engage Professional Help: Consider hiring external recruitment firms to help identify diverse candidates for board positions.
  5. Educate and Train: Provide training for current board members and management on the benefits of Diversity and how to cultivate an inclusive environment.
  6. Promote a Culture of Inclusion: Foster an organizational culture that values diverse perspectives and encourages open dialogue.


The webinar emphasized the urgent need for companies to embrace Diversity not just as a compliance issue, but as a strategic advantage that can lead to better decision-making and resilience in a rapidly changing market.

Notable Quotes

03:45 — « The journey has just begun but is picking up speed. »
03:45 — « We seek to provide our markets with a framework and clear guidance for ESG disclosure. »
08:04 — « Diversity makes good business sense; a diverse company is naturally more innovative, intuitive, and resilient. »
09:40 — « As a company, we seek to lead by example. »
11:16 — « This is important for business, for performance, for our communities, and for the planet. »


Business and Finance
