Summary of This company added 200Cr of Software Revenue in 8 months. Here’s why.

The video discusses the impressive growth of Nido, a software company that achieved 200 Crores (approximately $30 million) in annual recurring revenue (ARR) within eight months. The conversation revolves around the company's strategies, market dynamics, and the impact of AI on the business landscape.

Main Financial Strategies and Insights:

Methodology and Step-by-Step Guide:

Key Business Trends:


The discussion highlights the resilience and strategic pivots necessary for success in the competitive SaaS landscape, particularly in the context of emerging technologies like AI.

Notable Quotes

08:30 — « It's like the T-Rex problem: Tyrannosaurus Rex is really large, but the easy way to outrun a T-Rex is to run zigzag because it can't turn left and right very easily. »
15:12 — « Execution eats strategy for breakfast? I disagree. Strategy is basically simulating a dozen things, finding the right spot that potentially doesn't have competitors. »
40:03 — « AI is like electricity; it goes much deeper than what we think. »
40:30 — « I think AI will bring about Utopia because if you are able to manufacture everything for zero, create everything for zero... »
52:09 — « I'm super persistent. Like the quote of Will Smith: you put me on a treadmill, either I win or I die. »


Business and Finance
