Summary of สอนสร้างแบบสอบถาม แบบสำรวจ ออนไลน์ ด้วย Google Forms |9Expert

Summary of the Video: "สอนสร้างแบบสอบถาม แบบสำรวจ ออนไลน์ ด้วย Google Forms |9Expert"

The video serves as a tutorial on how to create online surveys and forms using Google Forms, a free service that allows users to design forms for various purposes such as evaluations, polls, and feedback collection. The tutorial is aimed at beginners and covers the essential steps and features of Google Forms.

Main Ideas and Concepts:


Featured Speakers/Sources:

The video is presented by a speaker from the channel "9Expert." The speaker provides step-by-step instructions and insights on using Google Forms effectively.

Notable Quotes

00:00 — « No notable quotes »


