Summary of Molecular orbital theory(Part-1)| Engineering chemistry |MOT engineering chemistry| Dr. anjali
The video discusses the Molecular Orbital Theory, its fundamentals, and applications in different molecules.
- The theory was proposed by two scientists, explaining how atomic orbitals overlap to form molecular orbitals.
- The theory helps understand the formation, magnetic behavior, and relative stability of molecules.
- The video explains the concepts of bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals formed through constructive and destructive interference.
- It discusses the configuration of molecules, the calculation of bond order, and the magnetic behavior based on electron configuration.
- The video emphasizes the importance of the Molecular Orbital Theory in explaining the behavior of molecules and the need for students to understand it thoroughly.
- Dr. Anjali
Notable Quotes
— 20:05 — « Wanted can also be 2.5, it can also be 123, okay now he has told that he According to us, the bond which is good, it doesnt energy i.e. the other awards, if I say, is directly proportional to the stability. »
— 20:42 — « As soon as the wear molecule comes, what happens to the wear molecules, that is, as soon as the shift in the nucleus is, electron enters, effective nuclear charge increases, and atomic radius decreases. »
— 26:28 — « Maulik and Metal Fury tells us that the bond which is good doesnt energy, i.e., the other word, if I say, is directly proportional to the stability. »
— 27:40 — « The number of originality and vitals that will be created will be the same. »