Summary of ABC de las competencias LGO

Summary of "ABC de las competencias LGO"

The video discusses the competency-based approach in education, highlighting its significance and practical application in teaching and learning processes. It features various speakers, including Paola Cuenca Canal and Luis Guerrero, who provide insights on how to effectively implement this approach.

Main Ideas and Concepts:


Speakers Featured:

This video serves as a guide for educators to understand and implement the competency-based approach effectively, fostering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in students.

Notable Quotes

03:15 — « The essence of the competent response to any situation is the ability to act reflexively to understand what situation I am in. »
04:28 — « It is not true that we have been working with the approach for more than two decades and yet for many colleagues it is still a new topic and also a complex topic. »
10:12 — « The biggest difficulties that people get into is when we face a problem with our eyes closed and we do not make the effort to understand the problem. »
18:51 — « When we act reflexively, we do not understand what we have in front of us or we think we understand it and we rehearse a response. »


