Summary of 57 Minutes of sales training that will explode your sales in 2024

The video provides 57 minutes of sales training focused on improving sales techniques for the year 2024. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychological aspects of prospects within the first 7 to 12 seconds of a sales call. The methodology presented in the video includes techniques such as asking the right questions, focusing on the prospect's needs, and eliminating sales resistance. By humanizing the sales process, building trust, and disarming prospects, sales agents can become problem finders and problem solvers rather than product pushers. The speaker in the video is Jeremy Miner. ### Methodology - Understand the prospect's psychological state within the first seconds of a sales call - Ask neutral, unbiased questions to trigger curiosity in prospects - Focus on connecting questions that shift the focus onto the prospect - Use situation questions to determine the prospect's current situation - Use problem awareness questions to identify the root cause of the problem - Introduce solution awareness questions to help prospects see the potential benefits of a solution - Implement consequence questions to highlight the potential negative outcomes of not taking action - Use commitment questions to guide prospects towards making a purchase decision - Neutralize hidden sales pressure by detaching from the expectation of making a sale - Disarm prospects by asking off-the-record questions to uncover their true concerns - Humanize the sales process to build trust and differentiate oneself as an expert ### Speakers - Jeremy (main speaker) - Melinda - Dan - Sharon

Notable Quotes

36:31 — « I call it Collective confidence and I understand the right questions to ask and especially when I come across detached it triggers the brain to become curious enough where they actually want to engage."], [" »
37:24 — « I need to pray about it. I need to keep looking around.", "I want to eliminate most it's called objection prevention."], [" »
37:31 — « now I could stop here you guys rather go eat the tuna salad keep going all right I was going to give you a few examples."], [" »
41:40 — « what goes on in Dan's mind when I ask him that question what is he visually seen he's seen his spouse do what go meet the funeral director she's all emotional she's overspending she doesn't have the money to do all this stuff."], [" »
54:40 — « we disarm them to get them to open up."] »
