Summary of BEST WAY TO PREP ESPRESSO?: The Finale (WDT, WW Blind Shaker, Autocomb, NCD)

The video compares different espresso distribution methods, including horizontal tapping, NCD, blind shaker, WDT, and autocomb. The blind shaker method performed the best in terms of consistency and extraction yield, potentially due to densification of grounds. Direct to porta filter dosing was found to be better than dosing from a separate container. The blind shaker showed quicker extraction times and higher yields. The autocomb method performed similarly to the blind shaker. Densification may help improve extraction by reducing resistance in the puck. Collaboration with statisticians and scientists helped analyze the data. The video concludes that direct to porta filter dosing and densification may lead to better espresso results. The blind shaker method was recommended for improved consistency and extraction yield. Unique points mentioned include the use of a cheaper grinder, collaboration with experts, and the potential benefits of densification in espresso preparation.

Notable Quotes

09:14 — « Theres actually an interesting patent that he found kind of argues that in this densification it creates more round particles. »
11:16 — « The puck was arguably getting more dense so when you did this and then you tamped, there was more capability of the grounds being smooshed closer together which was actually causing the higher extraction. »
11:30 — « The more that you shake and the more that you make sure youre confusing in the grounds. »
12:32 — « Its been a very interesting week or so of people exploring these ideas from the video. »
13:17 — « His idea of densification helped me understand whats going on there and gave me the idea of potentially fines going into the pores of bigger Boulders. »


Product Review
