Summary of Food waste is the world's dumbest problem

The FoodCam at MIT's Media Lab helps reduce food waste by allowing people to share leftover food with others.

food waste is a major contributor to climate change, with roughly 40% of food produced in the US going uneaten.

Consumers play a significant role in food waste, with families wasting about $1,500 worth of food annually.

Overbuying food, large refrigerators, and oversized dinner plates contribute to food waste at home.

UC Santa Barbara reduced food waste by 50% per person by removing trays in dining halls and portioning meals.

Copia is a startup working to recover surplus food and distribute it to those in need, making food donation easy and intuitive.

Recovering and redistributing surplus food not only fights hunger but also helps combat climate change.

Komal, the founder of Copia, aims to solve world hunger by preventing perfectly good food from being wasted.

The ultimate goal is to make policy changes and involve big companies and institutions in the fight against food waste.

A simple guide to waste less food is available at

Notable Locations and Products

Notable Quotes

07:15 — « So we don’t need to purchase or make more food. We just need to figure out how to get it to the people who need it., »
07:53 — « Like, how cool would it be if people who have food could say, hey, we have food, and people who need food could say, hey we need food, and we could connect these two people and clear the marketplace?, »
08:43 — « If we can get food that would otherwise be wasted to people who need it, we’re not only fighting hunger, but we’re actually slowing global warming.] »


