Summary of Justice with Michael Sandel - BBC: Justice: Torture and human dignity
The emphasis on human dignity, influenced by Kant, is strong in modern Germany.
The first article of the Constitution in Germany declares that human dignity shall be inviolable.
A case in 2002 involving the kidnapping of an 11-year-old boy led to a debate on human dignity and torture.
The kidnapper was threatened with torture to reveal the victim's location.
The kidnapper admitted to killing the boy, leading to a life sentence for murder.
The deputy police chief who threatened torture was also prosecuted for violating the kidnapper's rights.
The debate revolves around whether it is morally acceptable to torture a criminal to save an innocent life.
utilitarianism argues that the end justifies the means, even if it involves torture.
The discussion expands to whether torturing an innocent person to save multiple lives is justified.
The importance of respecting human dignity and the need for ethical guidelines, such as Kantian thinking, to prevent the abuse of individuals.
The case sparked debate over Germany's commitment to human dignity.
- Michael Sandel (host)
- Mention of Kant
- Mention of utilitarianism
- War reporter (unnamed)
Notable Quotes
— 03:25 — « What about respect for the Dignity of the child right I mean heres a child who is locked up somewhere um going to die slowly from hunger and thirst um theres no way thats a dignified thing to do to the child. »