Summary of Alfio Bardolla - Intervento al convegno del XIII Premio Giovani Imprenditori 2017

In the presentation by Alfio Bardolla at the XIII Premio Giovani Imprenditori 2017, several key financial strategies, market analyses, and business trends were discussed. Bardolla emphasized the importance of mentorship, the need for entrepreneurs to adapt to changing market conditions, and the significance of financial freedom.

Main Financial Strategies and business trends:

Methodology/Step-by-Step Guide:

Key Takeaways:


Notable Quotes

03:07 — « The goal is to make ourselves useless so our goal must be to be useless to our company. »
03:22 — « The only thing that matters is the price of the service. »
03:33 — « It's a mediocre phone at least a couple of generations behind it costs excessively more. »
03:42 — « We will bring financial education all over the world and we will transform the lives of a lot of people. »
03:44 — « If you don't have the freedom to take the plane and do it, whatever the amount that thing costs, a lot of human lives. »


Business and Finance
