Summary of The Uprising (Full Film, English subtitles)

"The Uprising" is a thought-provoking film that delves into themes of colonialism, resistance, and the enduring impact of historical injustices. The narrative is woven through a series of speeches and discussions by various speakers who address the complexities of Colonial Education, systemic oppression, and the fight for justice.

Key Highlights:

Notable Jokes and Reactions:

Personalities Featured:

Overall, "The Uprising" serves as both an educational tool and a rallying cry for those seeking to understand and dismantle the legacies of colonialism. It encourages viewers to engage with their history, acknowledge the struggles of their communities, and take action for a more equitable future.

Notable Quotes

02:09 — « Today, the weather was ok. »
03:02 — « Dog treats are the greatest invention ever. »


