Summary of L’Etat va-t-il SAISIR l’Epargne ?

The subtitles discuss the possibility of the French State seizing savings as a potential emergency measure. The presenter warns against relying on gold as a safe asset, citing historical examples of gold confiscation. The subtitles also mention past instances of savings being converted into bank shares during crises in Cyprus and Italy. The presenter emphasizes the difficulty of protecting savings against state expropriation and suggests leaving the country as the only viable option. The subtitles highlight the potential use of Article 16 of the French Constitution in case of a major crisis. Overall, the presenter urges caution and vigilance in light of the potential risks to savings.


Notable Quotes

17:14 — « its practically mission impossible and the only viable reality] »
17:26 — « therefore to get out of the country to the rear is its the only its the only option unfortunately »


News and Commentary
