Summary of Napoleon Part Two - The Rise to Power Documentary

Napoleon Bonaparte, a skilled artillery officer raised in Corsica and educated in France, seized opportunities to advance in the military following the French Revolution. His strategic acumen was evident in a military memorandum he wrote, advising on war tactics against Austria. His reputation grew during the siege of Toulon and military operations in Italy. Despite facing suspicion after the Thermidorian Reaction, Napoleon's rise continued as he declined a demotion in the Vendée region.

Napoleon's return to Paris marked his ascension as a prominent military leader, with plans for an invasion of Britain and a major expedition to Egypt. The Armée d’Orient, or the Army of the Orient, was established to conquer Ottoman Egypt in 1798. Despite initial successes in Egypt, including the Battle of the Pyramids, Napoleon faced setbacks with the destruction of the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile by the British.

Napoleon's consolidation of power in France and Europe set the stage for his eventual self-coronation as Emperor, solidifying his position as a dominant figure in history.

Notable Quotes

58:44 — « In his pre-battle orders Napoleon exhorted his troops to save Egypt from barbarism and English domination, claiming, quote, “From the top of those pyramids, forty centuries are contemplating you.” »
62:44 — « As such it was an apprenticeship of sorts for his subsequent rule of France and then of his European empire. »
67:25 — « But with Russia’s exit from the conflict in the autumn, the government of Prime Minister Henry Addington in London finally agreed to enter peace negotiations after nearly a decade of continuous war with France. »
74:39 — « Nevertheless, on the surface claiming that he wished to further Sieyes’s ambitions, but in reality planning to utilise Sieyes and his followers to help him secure power himself. »
89:26 — « That summer the Spanish, with French support, invaded Portugal, one of Britain’s few remaining allies. »


