Summary of Clean Your Kidneys of Uric Acid and Oxalates

The kidneys are composed of tiny filters that filter blood 24/7, removing toxins from food, alcohol, medications, and pollution.

kidney stones, especially oxalate stones, can cause damage to the kidneys.

High oxalate foods like almonds, spinach, and chocolate can contribute to kidney stone formation.

malabsorption in the gut can lead to oxalates being reabsorbed into the blood and ending up in the kidneys.

Consuming foods high in citrates, like lemons, can help prevent kidney stones by binding with oxalates.

potassium is beneficial for kidney health and can be found in foods like leafy greens, avocados, and beet leaves.

sugar and high carb diets can be damaging to the kidneys, while the ketogenic diet can be beneficial.

Consuming phytonutrients and antioxidants from plant foods, especially microgreens, can help protect the kidneys.

lemon water, apple cider vinegar, and adequate hydration are recommended for kidney health.


Notable Quotes

08:39 — « Potassium is probably one of the best minerals to protect the kidney. »
09:05 — « The ketogenic diet is really bad for your kidneys. »
09:39 — « A high carb diet is not very healthy for the kidney. »
12:13 — « Fructose can really spike your uric acid. »
12:44 — « Cut out consuming massive amounts of vitamin C and see if your pain doesn't go away. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
