Summary of History of North and South Korea

- Korea's history has been shaped by its interactions with larger, more powerful countries such as China, Russia, Japan, and the USA.

- The video ends by acknowledging that there is much more to learn about Korean history and invites viewers to share additional information.


Notable Quotes

65:28 — « It has compulsory education for all children up to the age of 11 for most of its history and many North Koreans are trained as engineers, nuclear physicists, and many other high-skilled jobs. »
65:45 — « It is therefore wrong for people to assume that North Koreans are uneducated and stupid people who don’t know what’s going on in their country or the world around them. »
65:56 — « many North Koreans often listen or watch South Korean media, many of them live and work in China, and many North Koreans do receive news about the outside world. »
66:07 — « these people are no different than us. »
66:13 — « if we can see through the lies our politicians tell us, so can they see through the lies of their politicians. »


