Summary of Gender in Indian History Till 1500 CE - Outline of Gender

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Key Lessons:



Notable Quotes

06:18 — « When one is talking about gender, one cannot but talk about inequality and its discontents. »
06:50 — « Patriarchy means rule of the male over the family and especially the eldest male member in the family is the head of the family. »
07:27 — « Patriarchy has emerged as a system whereby women are kept subordinate in a number of ways and men are privileged over women. »
09:37 — « The division of social roles between men and women in the family is historically the earliest form of division of labor at the onset of civilization. »
10:12 — « The feminization of poverty is one problem that must be taken care of as soon as possible so that women get their rightful place in work in the employment statistics. »


