Summary of cAI23 - Causal Factor Investing

Main Financial Strategies and Concepts:

Market Analysis:

Methodologies and Step-by-Step Guide:


The presentation concludes with a call to action for researchers to adopt better statistical methods in finance, promoting an award for the best paper in causal inference applied to investing.


The main speaker is not explicitly named in the subtitles, but references to Professor Inman and discussions about the financial industry indicate a focus on academic and professional critiques of current investment methodologies.

Notable Quotes

03:12 — « These approaches just do not work. »
04:00 — « Every student of Statistics learns that correlation does not imply causation. »
05:33 — « That's what has been called the factor Zoo. »
14:38 — « The solution to this is well known: you can either apply methods to correct for p hacking. »
15:09 — « Association does not imply causation. »


Business and Finance
