Summary of Dr Sebi on Moringa

Dr. Sebi discusses the importance of being cautious with the information provided about food and health, pointing out that some recommendations may not be fully informed.

He highlights the benefits of Moringa, stating that it has 23 times more iron than spinach, which is alkaline and beneficial for the body.

Dr. Sebi mentions that Moringa can be mixed with milk for added benefits, despite his personal choice of not consuming milk.

He also mentions the high calcium content in Moringa compared to milk and the vitamin A content compared to carrots.

The Ayurvedic system of medicine is recommended for Moringa, while the Allopathic system recommends cow milk, according to Dr. Sebi.


Notable Quotes

00:51 — « They Dont Care About Us they bring us information that oh God thats why the rest of the world at us because they know that we have both eye closed here. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
