Summary of Twisted Father - Undertale Comic Dub Movie (FULL)

In the "Twisted Father - Undertale Comic Dub Movie," the story revolves around the complex relationship between a father figure, Dr. Gaster, and his son, Sans, who is initially believed to be a robot but is actually a creature created by Gaster. The narrative unfolds with Gaster revealing that Sans was born in a lab and not through the love of two monsters, which leads to existential questions about identity and acceptance.

Key highlights include Gaster's manipulative and controlling nature as he instructs Sans to pretend to be a robot to avoid being taken away by the king, Asgore. The tension escalates when Gaster's experiments and intentions are revealed, including a time machine that poses a threat to the underground. Sans's cleverness and resilience shine through as he navigates his father's deceptions, ultimately refusing to be a mere experiment.

The emotional climax occurs when Sans is forced to confront his father's true nature and the potential danger posed to his brother, Papyrus. The story culminates in a dramatic explosion tied to Gaster's failed experiment, leaving Sans and Papyrus to grapple with the aftermath and their father's fate.

Throughout the video, there are moments of dark humor, particularly in the interactions between Sans and Gaster, as well as a poignant exploration of family dynamics and the quest for self-identity. The emotional depth is underscored by Papyrus's innocent yet naive belief in their father's love.

Notable Personalities:

Notable Quotes

01:46 — « Don't worry, daddy here will protect you. »
10:12 — « You were born with love between two monsters; you don't have to worry, mom's just on a long vacation. »
18:34 — « Nothing's gonna change by resisting. »
20:10 — « But I believe even the worst person can change. »


