Summary of Monitoring With Grafana | Monitoring Production grade Jenkins using Prometheus, Grafana & InfluxDB

In this YouTube video, the speaker discusses monitoring production-grade Jenkins using Prometheus, Grafana, and InfluxDB. The importance of monitoring Jenkins metrics like node count, build queue, and job statistics is highlighted. The speaker demonstrates creating a dashboard with key metrics to monitor Jenkins, such as health status, node count, build queue, and pipeline statistics. The dashboard includes dropdowns for folders and jobs, a time frame selector, and panels for pipeline statistics, plugin information, and memory usage. The speaker also provides a step-by-step guide on setting up the environment, including installing Docker, Jenkins, Prometheus, Grafana, and InfluxDB, and configuring data sources in Grafana.

Speaker Lists

Additional Information

The video explains how to execute Prometheus queries to monitor Jenkins health and select the appropriate panel types in Grafana. It demonstrates setting up queries in Grafana to display Jenkins health status, such as successful, failure, unstable, and aborted builds. The video also covers creating drop-down variables for folders and jobs in Grafana, setting up time frames, and adjusting colors for different build statuses in the Grafana pie chart panel.

The video demonstrates how to monitor production-grade Jenkins using Prometheus, Grafana, and InfluxDB. The speaker showcases how to customize Grafana dashboards to display successful and failed builds, modify panel displays, change time frames, and create new panels. Key points covered include customizing panel displays in Grafana to show successful, failed, and unstable builds, changing panel types, data sources, and queries to display pipeline information, using value mapping and overwrites to manipulate data and create links to Jenkins build pages, creating tables to display build details, such as start time, pipeline name, build number, causer, build time, and build status, setting background colors for different build statuses, and aligning data in cells.

The subtitles discuss monitoring production-grade Jenkins using Prometheus, Grafana, and InfluxDB. The speaker mentions checking plugin counts, updates, and data flow from Jenkins to Prometheus to Grafana. The speaker also mentions a dashboard they want to show in the video. The video concludes with creating and configuring the dashboard in Grafana to monitor Jenkins metrics effectively. The subtitles end with a call to action to like, share, and subscribe to the video.

Notable Quotes

61:31 — « A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. »
137:49 — « at least and plugin I don't need it »
138:00 — « requires update so that's why it is »
138:15 — « so let's see what is the plugin count »


