Summary of How to never find love, with Esther Perel

Relationships are complex and context-dependent, requiring a nuanced understanding.

Therapy should challenge coping styles rather than reinforce them.

Contempt and indifference are relationship killers.

The commodification of people contributes to prolonged singlehood.

Emotional availability is more important than language in Relationships.

Positive psychology and focusing on unique moments can be transformative.

People often choose Therapy that aligns with their coping style rather than what they truly need.

In Relationships, Conflict often revolves around power, trust, and respect.

Polarization occurs when people cannot handle the complexity of a situation.

Relational intelligence is crucial in the workplace.

Managing expectations in Relationships is key to avoiding resentments.

Humor, appreciation, and music can enhance Relationships.

Radical connection can be fostered through shared meals and traditions.

Esther Perel emphasizes the importance of understanding Relationships in various contexts, including personal, professional, and societal.


Notable Quotes

04:59 — « The big killer more than any other is contempt. Contempt involves a dismissal of the other person, a dehumanization, a disregard. »
13:16 — « I have a sense when this goes on. Some people have very good here at Harvest to read spreadsheets. I read relational maps. »
31:03 — « Expectations are resentments in the making. »
34:45 — « One of the moments that popped into my head is when my parents would come to visit me in New York. We would often organize big dinners on Friday nights for Shabbat. »
35:47 — « How to read the partition of love. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
