Summary of Metal gear rising: Revengeance #1 : The Story Begins
The video is about the game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, focusing on the beginning of the story. The subtitles provide tips and strategies for gameplay, such as:
- Using the ninja run to move quickly and attack while in motion
- Performing combination attacks
- parrying enemy attacks
The storyline involves a cyborg attacking a convoy with the Prime Minister, leading to a battle where the player, as Ryden, must fight against enemies and ultimately face off against a character named Sam. The subtitles also mention the philosophy of war and the use of weapons for justice.
- Mr. Prime Minister
- Mr. Lightning Bolt
- Sam
Notable Quotes
— 06:18 — « one sword keeps another in the sheath; sometimes the threat of violence alone is a deterrent; sometimes by taking a life, others can be preserved. Its the code the samurai lived by, a soldier and a philosopher. »
— 13:16 — « what business aint been the same since they shut down sop, the clean break from the war economy, huh? Well, some of us like that economy »
— 13:31 — « answer: Dont do it. Dont worry, now I wont, not while hes still useful. So long »
— 30:02 — « are you all right? Youre almost clear of the tunnel, just hang on. Got to try hard now. »