Summary of How to Get a Job in Quant Finance 2024

Summary of Main Ideas, Concepts, and Lessons

The video titled "How to Get a Job in quant finance 2024" by Demitri focuses on how to effectively navigate the job market in quantitative finance, particularly for recent graduates. Demitri shares insights based on his experiences with hiring processes and provides valuable advice on crafting effective résumés and preparing for interviews.

Key Points:

Methodology and Instructions

Speakers or Sources Featured

Notable Quotes

04:12 — « There are too many Financial engineering programs generating garbage students. »
04:44 — « The number one mistake here is being too general; you have skills scattered across the board. »
10:20 — « Make sure you put substance and results in your resume. »
13:09 — « The job market itself is very odd these days; some firms are expanding while others are scaling back. »
17:41 — « A huge portion of this is going to be your personality; are you excited about the math and stats and programming? »


