Summary of इतिहास की प्रमुख पुस्‍तकें | Book and Author History | Historical Books & Authors | By Dushyant Sir

Summary of Key Ideas and Concepts

The video presented by Dushyant Sir covers significant historical books and their authors, particularly focusing on the Muslim era in India. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding the context, language, and unique features of each book, as these details are often the basis for examination questions. The video outlines major works, their authors, and key historical insights they provide.

Main Ideas and Concepts

Detailed Bullet Point Format of Methodology/Instructions

Speakers/Sources Featured

Notable Quotes

30:01 — « The title was given to Amir Khusro. »
30:08 — « The author of Firozshahi is Ziauddin Barani. »
30:20 — « The book is Muntakhab Ut Tawar, you have to remember it. »
30:51 — « The author of the book Padshah Nama is Abdul Hamid Lahri. »
31:31 — « This book has been written by Krishna Deva Raya in Telugu language. »


