Summary of How to give the BEST speech or presentation in English

Summary of "How to give the BEST speech or presentation in English"

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Detailed Instructions:

  1. Choose an Interesting Topic:
    • Select a topic that excites you.
    • If assigned a topic, find a unique angle.
  2. Research Thoroughly:
    • Understand the content deeply to answer potential questions.
  3. Know Your audience:
    • Tailor your speech to their level of understanding.
  4. Use Visual Aids:
    • Incorporate props or slides to enhance engagement.
  5. Start with a Question:
    • Grab the audience's attention from the beginning.
  6. Manage Nervousness:
    • Limit caffeine intake.
    • Use body movement to distract from nerves.
  7. Practice Regularly:
    • Rehearse multiple times to gain comfort and fluency.
  8. Maintain Eye Contact:
    • Engage with the audience by looking around the room.
  9. Speak Clearly and Loudly:
    • Control your pace and enunciate your words.
  10. Use cue cards:
    • Write down key points to aid memory without reading verbatim.
  11. Apologize for Mistakes:
    • Handle any lapses with grace and continue.


Notable Quotes

13:53 — « Well, solution -- cue cards. Cue cards are little pieces of paper or cardboard that you write down your main points of your presentation or your speech. »


