Summary of Anthropology Day 70- 6. Symbolic anthropology | victor turner | anthropological theories

The video delves into symbolic anthropology, focusing on the theories of Victor Turner, who was influenced by Durkheim. Symbolic anthropology is closely linked to interpretive anthropology but differs in influences and perspectives. Turner believed that symbols play a crucial role in creating a collective consciousness, sparking social action, and fostering solidarity among people. He introduced concepts like liminality and communitas, which pertain to transitional phases and the restructuring of social hierarchies. Turner's study of rituals and symbols across various societies led to his theory of symbolism, where symbols in rituals drive social actions, leading to social transformation and the maintenance of society. Turner's theory is known as ritual symbolism. ### Methodology: - Study rituals and symbols in different societies. - Connect symbols to collective consciousness and social action. - Analyze transitional phases and social hierarchies. - Explore the concepts of liminality and communitas. - Identify the meanings of symbols in rituals for cultural understanding. ### Speakers: - Lecturer

Notable Quotes

03:05 — « He sees symbols as a collective consciousness. »
05:44 — « One symbol may have many meanings. »
07:24 — « Communitas is where everybody becomes equal in a transitory phase. »
16:51 — « Where there is chaos, there is anti-structure. »
21:56 — « He tried to study the symbols of these rituals. »
