Summary of MERCANTILISM, Explained [AP Euro Review—Unit 3 Topic 4]

The video titled "Mercantilism, Explained [AP Euro Review—Unit 3 Topic 4]" provides a comprehensive overview of Mercantilism as an economic system that supported the rise of Absolutism in Europe from 1648 to 1815. The speaker explains the key concepts and implications of Mercantilism, highlighting its role in shaping European economies and global trade during this period.

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Methodology and Key Points:

Speakers or Sources Featured:

Overall, the video serves as an informative resource for understanding Mercantilism's significance in European history and its lasting impact on global trade and economics.

Notable Quotes

00:06 — « If a king or queen is going to be the big stinky cheese of their state then they're going to have to rake up some scratch to make it happen. »
01:30 — « He who dies with the most gold wins. »
02:05 — « Wealth was kind of like a pie and the pie only has so many slices. »
03:46 — « Get as much of the gold as you can by any kind of behavior. »
04:28 — « The increased demand on the African slave trade was one part of the larger economic pattern known as the Triangular Trade. »


