Summary of If You Want Your Ex Back, You Must Rebuild Trust!

Rebuilding trust after a breakup is difficult and requires emotional self-control.

trust is critical in a relationship and can be lost due to miscommunication or unmet expectations.

trust can be broken through various ways such as cheating, lying, abuse, neglect, and complacency.

Understanding attachment styles is important in rebuilding trust.

core beliefs about trust and relationships can be impacted by breakups and trauma.

consistency is key in rebuilding trust, both in showing change and giving space for trust to develop.

It takes time, patience, and understanding to rebuild trust after a breakup.

Both partners need to work on rebuilding trust, and trust should be earned gradually.

professional coaching and support are available for those seeking help in rebuilding trust.


Notable Quotes

00:42 — « talking to you about rebuilding trust when your ex comes back this is a tough one very difficult to do because youre going to be emotional and it takes a lot of emotional self-control. »
00:54 — « trust is so critical in a relationship and the thing about it is is that it is so hard to gain trust it takes time and effort but it is so easy to lose. »
04:24 — « when Partners do get back together it is about rebuilding that trust and starting from a different Point yep and that can be really really tricky mhm. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
