Summary of Designing Radically Non-Linear Single Player Levels

Summary of "Designing Radically Non-Linear Single Player Levels"

Speaker: Aubrey, a level designer with a decade of experience, currently running 12 East Games.

Storyline and Concept:

Gameplay Highlights:

Key Techniques for Designing Radically Non-Linear Levels:

  1. Define Layout:
    • Choose a strong layout to differentiate maps, avoiding random placements.
    • Four suggested layouts:
      • Symmetric: Offers a low tension center line with left/right choices.
      • Concentric: Safer outer areas reward scouting before engaging in the center.
      • Node: Interconnected clearings for high-tempo encounters.
      • Field: Increasing risk areas that promote tactical choices.
  2. Unique Gameplay Elements:
    • Focus on underutilized gameplay aspects to create unique experiences.
    • Use hand-placed enemy spawn points controlled by systemic factors to enhance unpredictability.
  3. Address Common Issues:
    • Avoid overly linear designs; if linearity is necessary, ensure good pacing.
    • Ensure the map has structure to avoid repetitiveness.
    • Make gameplay systems legible to players to enhance understanding of mechanics.
  4. Example of Implementation:
    • In "Receiver," levels are designed from tiles that are randomly placed, allowing for multiple paths and strategic choices while maintaining a level of unpredictability.

Key Tips:

Featured Sources:

Notable Quotes

00:35 — « A radically non-linear level is a sandbox level that is designed to encourage unpredictable player movement and exploration of the space. »
08:08 — « One of the things you notice about the games I've mentioned is that they emphasize gameplay over story. »
09:16 — « Isn't it just fun to scout around, come up with a plan and test it? »
15:19 — « The number one issue is that the map is too linear. »
17:41 — « It isn't that dramatic scenes or clear challenges can't happen, but they tend to result from the existing systems and so they're hard to predict. »


