Summary of Build a Full-Stack CRUD App Using React, Node, MySQL for Beginners

The video demonstrates how to perform CRUD operations using MySQL, React, and Node.js.

The main concepts covered include creating, updating, and deleting records in a database.

The video starts by setting up the backend environment using Node.js and installing necessary packages.

It then moves on to creating a React app for the frontend and installing required packages.

The backend server is set up to communicate with the MySQL database using Express.

A database table is created in MySQL using the MySQL Workbench.

API routes are created in the backend to interact with the database.

The frontend is set up to fetch data from the backend API using Axios.

A form is created in the frontend to add new records to the database.

Updating and deleting functionalities are implemented in the frontend and backend as well.

The video concludes with a demonstration of how to add, update, and delete records in the database.


Notable Quotes

30:57 — « "We came back to the home page." »


