Summary of The Trend is Not Your Friend? ... This Is Why

The video discusses the favorable market conditions in July, with the first two weeks being historically strong for stocks. The presenters analyze the market trends, valuations, and potential risks, suggesting that traders should continue with their current strategies until there are significant changes. They also discuss the lack of historical significance in following trends and emphasize the importance of buying low and selling high. The discussion extends to the bond market, potential political impacts on the market, and the oil market's recent movements. The presenters caution against shorting oil without technical signals and highlight the importance of monitoring volatility and technical indicators before making trading decisions.


Notable Quotes

03:04 — « Following Trends has not proven to be a viable approach to investing ever. »
04:46 — « Lay on at the money call spreads when vix is below 15, its better than being short a put spread or a strangle. »
09:18 — « Nobody really knows about the Republicans and the trifecta, its all speculation. »
09:32 — « We should look at what trades worked in 2016 coming out of the election. »
12:21 — « The war drum beat is starting to build between Israel and Hezbollah. »


Business and Finance
