Summary of Does Anyone Else Feel Like Everything Has Changed? (Unhappy, Lost, Addicted, Stressed) | Gabor Maté

The video featuring Gabor Maté discusses the profound changes individuals experience in their lives, particularly in relation to happiness, addiction, and emotional well-being. Maté emphasizes the importance of play, joy, and emotional expression, drawing on personal anecdotes and broader societal observations. Here are the key wellness strategies, self-care techniques, and productivity tips highlighted throughout the conversation:

Key Wellness Strategies and Self-Care Techniques:

Productivity Tips:

Final Thoughts:


Notable Quotes

00:00 — « I wish I'd let myself be happier. »
03:08 — « Happiness just means being in the present and being allowed to be no matter what to have the capacity to play. »
03:08 — « Nobody ever on a deathbed regrets not going to the office often enough. »
03:08 — « What really matters is what makes life meaningful and active and engaged in the present moment. »
04:02 — « Don't be so loyal to your suffering. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
