Summary of Nutrients For Brain Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #42

The Huberman Lab Podcast #42 delves into the impact of nutrients on brain health and performance. The discussion emphasizes the significance of various nutrients in supporting brain function and cognition. essential fatty acids like EPA and DHA, phosphatidylserine, choline, and creatine are highlighted for their benefits in promoting neuron function and overall brain health. Additionally, anthocyanins found in dark berries, particularly blueberries, are noted for their ability to reduce cognitive decline and enhance memory.

Key Points

Researchers and Sources


The discussion concludes by highlighting the importance of certain foods and micronutrients in influencing brain health and function, emphasizing the potential of superfoods to enhance both short and long-term cognition and neuronal health. Thorne supplements are recommended for their quality and quantity standards, contributing to overall brain health and performance.

Notable Quotes

37:17 — « Anthocyanins have actually some really nice data to support the fact that they improve brain function., »
47:31 — « Whether or not its choline, whether or not its the various compounds that are in berries, et cetera, all of those can be extracted from food., »
94:53 — « foods impact our brain and its health, but they also impact how our brain functions and responds to food, and that is largely a learned response. »
95:11 — « certain things are putrid to us, and we should not consume them, right? »
95:42 — « But after consuming foods that perhaps are less sweet or even less savory, that are not what we would call highly or I would say, nowadays, its super palatable foods, we can adjust our sense literally of what we perceive as an attractive and rewarding food. »


Science and Nature
