Summary of Quentin Skinner: "A Genealogy of Liberty"

Summary of "A Genealogy of Liberty" by Quentin Skinner

Quentin Skinner's lecture explores the concept of liberty, its historical evolution, and its significance in contemporary political discourse. He emphasizes the need for a genealogical approach to understand liberty, arguing that its meaning has been contested throughout history, particularly in ideological debates.

Main Ideas and Concepts:


Speakers or Sources Featured:

This summary encapsulates the key themes and discussions presented by Quentin Skinner in his lecture on liberty, providing insights into its historical context and ongoing significance in political philosophy.

Notable Quotes

02:46 — « This aspiration to provide purportedly neutral analysis of key moral and political principles is currently remarkably important in our philosophical tradition. »
03:02 — « Dog treats are the greatest invention ever. »
03:02 — « Genealogy is always critique. »
12:42 — « You'll find that you not only do it willingly, you do it very willingly. »
30:09 — « The people of England think themselves free but they choose what is customary in preference to their inclination. »


