Summary of PB. Soedirman, Nikah Tanpa Wali, Sahkah? Manakah Yang Benar, Akad Nikah Tanpa Wali/Hubungan Haram?

The video discusses the topic of marriage without a guardian in Islam, debating the legality and ethical implications of such marriages. The presenters delve into different schools of thought, Hadith arguments, and ethical considerations surrounding the issue. They emphasize the importance of avoiding adultery and seeking religious guidance in making marital decisions. The video also touches on the challenges of polygamy and the need for religious solutions to prevent immoral behavior. The presenters engage with online viewers and conclude with prayers for peace and guidance in religious matters.


Notable Quotes

27:25 — « This matter is an impolite matter, for example because there really isnt a problem why suddenly she runs away, thats an external matter. »
32:34 — « The father doesnt want to marry his son, is he allowed to let his son commit adultery? Let me ask the father, doesnt he want to marry him? »
35:23 — « Thank God, there are quite a lot of people who recite the Koran online. Apparently tonight is the record for the most online Korans. »


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