Summary of Quarta Via - La funzione dei respingenti o ammortizzatori [Podcast]

The podcast discusses the concept of "buffers" or "shock absorbers" in the context of personal development and self-awareness, drawing from Gurdjieff's teachings. Buffers are psychological mechanisms that soften emotional shocks and prevent individuals from confronting contradictions in their behaviors and beliefs. The discussion emphasizes the need for self-reflection and the gradual dismantling of these buffers to achieve true consciousness and personal growth.

Key Concepts:


Researchers/Sources Featured:

This summary encapsulates the essence of the podcast, focusing on the psychological concept of buffers and the journey toward self-awareness and personal development.

Notable Quotes

02:07 — « Behind every person there are years and years of wrong and stupid life complacent to every class of sleep, weaknesses of ignorance, of affectation, of lack of effort. »
03:10 — « Psychological shock absorbers soften the shocks produced in humans by the passage from a small 'I' to the other, making them sufficiently weak to allow us not to notice the change. »
04:00 — « The buffers lull the man's dream; they give him the pleasant and peaceful sensation that everything is fine, that contradictions do not exist and that he can sleep in peace. »
15:50 — « If consciousness were to suddenly arrive, it would go haywire. »
16:41 — « The buffers must be destroyed gradually and at the same time the will must be created. »


Science and Nature
