Summary of XRP 목표가격

Main Financial Strategies and Market Analyses:

Methodology/Step-by-Step Guide:


The video features insights from various unnamed presenters, with mentions of figures such as Donald Trump, and references to institutions like MicroStrategy and Coinbase. Additionally, it includes commentary from a subscriber named Summon 766 and Ripple CEO insights.

Notable Quotes

01:20 — « Historically, most markets have moved in a direction different from what the crowd expected. »
02:42 — « While we are saying that it is a good time to buy, we are firmly dipping our toes in the market. »
04:32 — « I think that now our country should be a little more accepting of cryptocurrency investment. »
14:02 — « I think that it is inevitable that it will be produced in Ripple at the time of global forbo through adoption by institutions. »
14:50 — « I am confident about Ripple. They say it is possible. »


Business and Finance
