Summary of What do I do as a Brand Manager? 👩‍💻

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends:

Methodology/Step-by-Step Guide of a Typical Day:

  1. Morning Routine: Start the day with personal fitness and prepare for work.
  2. Daily Priorities: Create a list of 3-5 important tasks for the day.
  3. One-on-One Meetings: Conduct regular check-ins with the brand director to discuss progress and challenges.
  4. Cross-Functional Meetings: Collaborate with teams to discuss new product developments and gather insights.
  5. Lunch Break: Often shared with team members or taken at the desk.
  6. Delivery Meetings: Meet with distributors to ensure distribution targets are met and address any challenges.
  7. Media and PR Meetings: Review past campaigns and plan future strategies with media and PR agencies.
  8. Budget Meetings: Analyze and manage the budget, ensuring all expenditures are accounted for and aligned with the brand's financial goals.
  9. End-of-Day Work: Catch up on emails, work on reports, and prepare presentations for stakeholders.


Notable Quotes

14:07 — « Your day-to-day work is basically being a business owner and bringing all the different experts together to help you deliver goals for your business. »
14:15 — « I would say that it is probably 70% meetings and 30% working on brand plans, budget files, and reports. »


Business and Finance
