Summary of One of Mexico's problems, street dogs and what we're doing about it. Mexico street dogs

The video discusses the issue of street dogs in Mexico and the efforts made by the speakers, Mark and Paulette, to care for them. Some key points include:

Notable Locations

Notable Products

Notable Speakers

Notable Quotes

05:07 — « for me, you know, babies, children, dogs, its very high on my list »
05:33 — « theyre not mean, I mean theyre not vicious yeah, theyre people-friendly »
09:02 — « [Laughter] going back and forth, you know, like a... you know, trying to find a way to escape, just like you were pacing in a zoo, a case of an animal just pacing back, looking for a way right »
09:21 — « this dog was given to me in my possession to take care of, not to let escape, and she did »
18:43 — « but I think she was owned, I mean shes obviously a pet very well-behaved pet, but we bought her a... [Music] a dog collar like harness »


