Summary of Meditate Better | Swami Sarvapriyananda

In the video "Meditate Better" by Swami Sarvapriyananda, the key focus is on enhancing meditation practices and addressing common challenges faced by practitioners. The speaker draws from the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, particularly the dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna, to provide insights on meditation and the nature of the mind.

Key Wellness Strategies and Self-Care Techniques:


Swami Sarvapriyananda emphasizes that meditation is a skill that requires time, patience, and practice to master. By following these strategies, individuals can work towards a more effective and fulfilling meditation practice.


Notable Quotes

03:07 — « The mind is fickle, restless, O Krishna. Turbulent and strong and set in its ways. Trying to control the mind is like as difficult as trying to control the wind. »
18:12 — « The moment you try to restrain the mind in meditation, you see how powerful it is. »
30:21 — « This is the subtlest of all tasks, and the greatest of all adventures. So, it will take time. It will take effort. And every bit of it is worth it. »
48:17 — « The current of spiritual life means when it becomes natural to us. When the mind is now set in the new pattern. »
73:22 — « Rituals, little bit of rituals very helpful. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
